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Hard at work


2024-25 NCMS Vex Competitive Robotics Teams


Fight against breast cancer!


Hard at work




Enjoying the weather


Our staff is the best!


NASCAR experience


Let's celebrate!


Nice tutu Mrs. Dague


Titus welcomes students


NCMS Football


Dance off!


Stand in spirit


Weeding the garden


Stomp out Cancer day






School Hours:  9:00am-4:00pm

Enrollment Hours:  8:00am-3:00pm

5140 NW Cabarrus Dr. Concord, NC 28027

Phone:  704-260-6550

Fax:  704-784-2649


Chasity Szabo
6th Grade Administrator


Alexis Richardson
8th Grade Administrator
Assistant Principal  


Robert Egnot
7th Grade Administrator

Assistant Principal


Titan News

February 27, 2025

BOE to meet Monday

The Cabarrus County Board of Education will meet on Monday, March 3rd for a combined work session and business meeting. The meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. with a closed session following open session. . .

Upcoming Events

Noteworthy News

Go Fan!

Ticket Spicket has been replaced by Go Fan for this year’s sporting events tickets!  Click the link HERE or scan the QR code below to acces the program.

  A black and white QR code.

Cell Phone Policy

A graphic promoting a 'phone-free' school day at Cabarrus County Schools, with the message 'Cell phones should be turned off and put away during the instructional day on CCS campuses. Away for the day!'

7th Grade Charleston Trip

A large fountain shaped like a pineapple with cascading water, surrounded by lush greenery and palm trees.Our 7th grade field trip to Charleston SC April 28-29 will be highlighting one of our best coastal cities with many attractions. Students will be taken on a  guided visit of the Charleston Museum, explore the USS Yorktown aircraft carrier, see the South Carolina Aquarium and lots of historic places!  We will also experience the Barrier Islands and their ecosystem. Let's get ready to take in the experience together and have some fun!

Access the Payment / Registration site here


8th Grade Washington Trip

The United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., with a blue sky and white clouds.Our 8th grade Washinton trip will be held Wednesday, April 9 to Friday, April11!  To make a payment, use this online form   

The first payment (deposit) of $110 and the Parent Guide / Permission Slip are due on or before October 18, 2024. The deposit is NON-REFUNDABLE and includes the cost of the T-shirt. All payments for this trip will be made directly to Emerald Student Travel via the form link above. Northwest Cabarrus Middle School will not be collecting money for this trip! The payment schedule is listed below:

  • October 18, 2024                         $110 non-refundable deposit (includes the cost of the t-shirt)
  • November 15, 2024                    $100
  • January 10, 2025                          $100
  • February 21, 2025                       $150-185 - final payment will be revised based on the number of students attending

You may pay the balance in full at any time, but the first $110 non-refundable deposit MUST be paid by October 18, 2024 in order to secure your child a spot on the trip. Exceptions to this will be made only for students who enroll at our school after October 18, 2024.

Any student who owes money to the cafeteria, WILL NOT be able to attend the Washington DC trip. 

Thank you and we look forward to a phenomenal trip this year that will provide both educational and cultural experiences enriching our 8th grade curriculum!

School Nutrition / Cafeteria

A logo for LINQ Connect Online Portal, featuring a flame icon, the text 'LINQ Connect', and a QR code.


LINQ Connect is the platform utilized by the CCS School Nutrition Department to Make Payments, Add Funds, Apply for Free Meals, & See Menus!

Click HERE to be directed to the LINQ Connect website.  There is also an app for mobile devices.  (Please note applications for free meals MUST be completed on the website rather than the app.)

LINQ Parent FAQs can assist with setting up a LINQ Connect account.  A link to a printable PDF of the free & reduced application is available on the SNP website.

If you have any questions regarding your child’s cafeteria account, please contact the NCMS Cafeteria Manager, Linda Little at (704) 260 - 6568 or via email at

Edulog Bus App

Click the More Info button below to access the Edulog bus scheduling app.



Paint the Rock!

A colorful flyer for Northwest Cabarrus STEM Middle School's 'Paint the Rock' event, featuring a large rock painted with the school's mascot and the words 'Welcome Back Titans.'NCMS PTSO invites you to sign up to Paint the Rock outside the school!

  1. Signup for the day you wish to celebrate your student using the link on the picture.
  2. You can paint the rock the day before your signup after 3:30pm. For a January 1 signup, you can paint the rock starting December 31st at 3:30pm. If that day falls on a Monday or a day after a holiday, your rental period begins the last day school is in session prior to your signup day. (Example you can paint the rock anytime after Friday 3:30pm for a Monday reservation date)
  3. No derogatory/offensive speech, photos, or language will be tolerated  If you have not paid for your rental 5 days prior to your rental date, you will be contacted via the email used when signed-up. The rental signup will be reopened for your date if you do not respond.
  4. Keep our school clean! Any items used to paint the rock will need to be cleaned up after completion!

District / School Focus



District Plan



Principal’s Message




Titan Newsletter




Chromebook Support Site




NCMS Morning News Shows & Videos


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